Garden and Landscaping Services

Best Garden and Landscaping Services in Perth

Landscaped gardens are generally described as being inanimate objects. But we at VM who are passionate about gardens think that they can almost be described as “living and breathing” entities

Landscaping Your Gardens Professionally

Gardens change over time and are affected by the weather, age, internal stresses within the environment, the elements and usage. It is these changes that can result in significant deterioration to the complex and the plants making up the living complex.

Thus it is critical that garden owners have a clear understanding of the impact upon their garden by outside forces.

Garden Landscaping Maintenance Programs : 12 Months

A 12 month landscaping maintenance plan involves a complete and detailed inspection of the gardens and buildings around them to identify the impact of such forces upon the garden’s structure. A detailed report is produced with full photographic evidence of all issues identified that will require action over the following 12 months.

With the aid of this report the landscaping service can easily engage suitable contractors to undertake such rectifications as may be required.

How to set up a maintenance program for your landscaped garden


Professional garden and landscaping services are best sourced locally as they will understand the local environment and the issues that can arise over time. With this understanding they can plan a thorough maintenance program for your garden.